What’s up guys? Participate in the topic of EP6: What is your favourite Chinese food? Have you used chopsticks before? Can you use them well? Please share with us. Try to use Chinese characters or pinyin to practice your Chinese writing. 收听第六期节目: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/podcast-free/006/ 本期节目讨论的话题: 你最喜欢的一道中国菜是什么?你用过筷子吗?你会用筷子吗? 你可以用以下格式: 我喜欢的中国菜是:糖醋排骨。…… 我(没)用过筷子。 我筷子用得很好 / 不好……… Please join us first...

自然而然说中文 Speak Chinese Naturally
没时间或住在国外?你也可以流利说中文! Try this efficient and natural way to speak Chinese like a native speaker even if you are lacking of time or living abroad!
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