
Hello friends! Participate in the topic of EP4: Apart from the learning activities that we’ve mentioned today, are there any other activities of learning Chinese that work for you? Please share with us. Try to use Chinese characters or pinyin to practice your Chinese writing. 收听第四期节目: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/podcast-free/004/ 本期节目讨论的话题:除了本期我们提到的中文学习活动外,请分享其他你认为对你有效的中文学习活动。 你可以用以下格式: 例如:我认为制作汉字卡片 /  …… 对我的学习很有帮助。/ 我觉得使用微信和中国朋友聊天对我的帮助很大。 ………...

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