中国家庭成员的称谓是不是让你们很抓狂呢? 别担心,其实对很多中国人来说有些远房亲戚的称谓我们自己也搞不清。 你只需要记住最常用的称谓就可以了。 your dad: 爸爸(父亲);your mum: 妈妈(母亲);your older brother: 哥哥(兄);your younger brother: 弟弟;your older sister: 姐姐;your younger sister: 妹妹; the husband of your older sister: 姐夫;the husband of your younger sister: 妹夫;the wife of your older brother: 嫂子;the wife of your younger brother:弟媳(弟妹); the kids of your brother 侄子、侄女。the kids of your sister:…...

自然而然说中文 Speak Chinese Naturally
没时间或住在国外?你也可以流利说中文! Try this efficient and natural way to speak Chinese like a native speaker even if you are lacking of time or living abroad!