《玩角色扮演,学中文》,开心玩乐,愉快学习! 本期节目,你会扮演一个商人,你刚来中国。有一件事让你一直不明白。是什么事?一起来玩游戏,学中文吧! How to Get Premium Content for this episode: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/product/roleplayandlearnchinese-hsk1-2s1e1-5-premium-content/ Premium Content: Full transcription in Chinese characters and piyin Definitions for all the key words and phrases Important language points Exercises 付费内容: 完整的汉字和拼音文本 所有关键词和短语的定义 重要的语言点 练习… Please join us first to read this content! / 请先加入我们!Register Already a member? Log in here...

自然而然说中文 Speak Chinese Naturally
没时间或住在国外?你也可以流利说中文! Try this efficient and natural way to speak Chinese like a native speaker even if you are lacking of time or living abroad!